Ben Gotts

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Hi! I'm Ben Gotts
Student and Aspiring Software Developer

I'm a student currently studying Computer Science at the University Of Liverpool. I create fun software during my free time and am always looking to learn new things.

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A showcase of some of my work

Take a peak below

Adversial Machine Learning

This project was completed as part of my second year of study at the University of Liverpool. It is a Machine Learning project that explores the use of Adversarial Attacks and Defences on a Neural Network. The adversarial attack uses the PGD algorithm with a second run over with the Fast Gradient Sign Method. This double attack results with a highly effective attack that is able to fool the neural network with a 99%+ success rate. The adversarial defence algorithm used is MNIST which is able to reduce the success rate of the attack to 30%.

Languages used: Python
Libraries used: PyTorch

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Carth is a multiplayer open world survival game that I initially joined working on in 2018. During my two years of working on this project I developed a number of core gameplay systems, including the Building System, the Inventory System and the Crafting System. As well as this I also worked on a number of other systems including the creation of RESPONSIVE UI and Multiplayer.

Languages used: C#
Tools used: Unity Game Engine

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Simon Game

This project was completed as part of my second year of study at the University of Liverpool. It is a Simon Game that was developed for the iOS platform. The game was developed using Swift and XCode. The game is a simple Simon Game that allows the user to play the game and try to beat their high score. The game also features a Leaderboard that allows the user to see the top 10 scores of all time.

Languages used: Swift
Tools used: XCode

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Garden Navigator

This project was completed as part of my second year of study at the University of Liverpool. It is a Garden Navigator that was developed for the iOS platform. It is an app that guides the user around the Ness Gardens in Liverpool. It has extensive database that displays information about all the plants in the gardens. The app also features a Map that allows the user to see where they are in the gardens.

Languages used: Swift
Tools used: XCode

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Assembly Number Comparator

This project was completed as part of my first year of study at the University of Liverpool. It is an app which filters a list of numbers into positives, zeros and negatives. It is fully created in pure Assembly with no libraries and a limited amount of base assembly commands allowed.

Languages used: Intel Assembly

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Portfolio Website

This project is my personal portfolio website, what you are currently viewing. It is a SvelteKit website that is hosted on Firebase. It is a fully responsive website that is designed to work on all devices using TailwindCSS. The full source code is available for viewing on my github.

Languages used: HTML/CSS, JavaScript Frameworks used: SvelteKit, TailwindCSS

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A bit ABOUT me.


Studying For A Bachelors In Computer Science

I am currently studying for a Bachelors in Computer Science at the University of Liverpool. I am currently in my second year of study and am looking for a placement year in the industry. In my first year of study I achieved an average of 69.5% and am on track to achieve a first in my second year.


9 Years Of Programming Experience

I have been programming for 9 years now. I started programming when I was 11 years old and have been programming ever since. My main language of choice for the majority of this time has been C# but I also have experience in a variety of other languages including Java, Python, Swift, JavaScript and HTML/CSS.


A Hobbyist Game Developer

I have been developing games as a hobby for 7 years. I started learning the Unity game engine when I was 13 years old and have been developing games ever since. Over the years I have worked on a number of small solo projects but have also worked with teams to develop large steam games such as Carth Additionally, I have worked on a number of freelance projects for clients which has allowed me to develop my skills as a developer.


A Passionate Learner

I am very passionate about everything Computer Science and Software Development related. I am always looking to learn new things and expand my knowledge. I am always looking for new opportunities to learn and develop my skills as a developer. I am also very passionate about the games industry and am always looking to learn more about it.


I Am Looking For A Placement Year

As a computer science student I am currently looking for a role within the industry. I chose to study computer science as I am very passionate about software development and the games industry and believe that choosingthe option of a placement year will provide me with the opportunity to gain valuable experience in the industry.

My Journey
2022 - 2026

BSc Computer Science

University of Liverpool

I am currently studying for a Bachelors in Computer Science at the University of Liverpool. I am currently in my second year of study and am looking for a placement year in the industry. In my first year of study I achieved an average of 69.5% and am on track to achieve a first in my second year.

2019 - 2021

A-Levels Computer Science

Walthamstow Academy Sixth Form

During sixth form I studied for A-Levels in Computer Science and a BTEC in Business I achieved a B in Computer Science, Distinction* Distinction in Business.

2018 - Present

Freelance Software Developer

During the past 5 years I have successfully completed various freelance development projects. These have ranged from small video games, to game launchers. I have primarily used C# as well as JavaScript, HTML/CSS to complete these projects.

Personal Software Projects

Since I have started programming I have worked on a number of personal projects. Primarily I have worked with C# and Unity to develop video games. However, I have also worked on a number of other projects including a Discord bot and a game launcher. I have also worked on a number of projects for university including a Machine Learning project and a number of iOS apps.